Teologi Kerja Pembuat Tenda: Bi-Vokasionalisme dalam Konteks Pendeta Serta Pengusaha Menurut Pandangan Paulus


  • Ronaldo Divalo Ginting STT Ekumene Medan
  • Sadrakh Agus Syahputra Pasaribu Sekolah Tinggi Ekumene Medan




Work Theology, Bi-vocationalism, Pastor, Businessman, Paul


In the context of the existence and function of the church, as well as within the scope of the clergy's duties, the question of ethical and pastoral legitimacy for a pastor to own and manage a business or venture that provides additional income outside the church institution continues to be the subject of ongoing discussion. There are views that are skeptical of this practice, arguing that the position of clergy as business owners can give rise to potential conflicts of interest, where business decisions and activities can potentially conflict with the principles and doctrines of the religion they adhere to. In order to explore this issue further, researchers are interested in conducting a biblical study, with a special focus on Pauline narratives related to this topic. The methodological approach adopted in this research is qualitative, with data collection carried out through extensive literature analysis. The findings of this research indicate that Paul does not seem to oppose the concept of bi-vocationalism. In contrast, the practice of clergy holding secular jobs in addition to their ministry duties may be considered a viable strategy, especially for smaller churches, as a means of supporting the continuity of their ministry.


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How to Cite

Ginting, R. D., & Pasaribu, S. A. S. (2024). Teologi Kerja Pembuat Tenda: Bi-Vokasionalisme dalam Konteks Pendeta Serta Pengusaha Menurut Pandangan Paulus. Sinar Kasih: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Dan Filsafat, 2(4), 211–223. https://doi.org/10.55606/sinarkasih.v2i4.412