Keselarasan Filsafat, Agama, dan Ekologi: Menggenggam Amanat Kitab Suci Sebagai Misi Gereja Dalam Melindungi Alam Menurut Markus 16:15
Environment, Church, Evangelism, Philosophical responseAbstract
In “Harmony of Philosophy, Religion, and Ecology: Understanding the Message of Scripture as the Church's Mission in Protecting Nature according to Mark 16:15,” the importance of the relationship between religious doctrine, philosophical ideas, and environmental conservation initiatives is highlighted. Thus, Mark 16:15, which commands us to preach the Gospel to all creatures, could be interpreted as an appeal to protect God's creation, including the environment. In light of the current ecological catastrophe, philosophy offers an ethical framework that allows us to consider our obligations to nature. Meanwhile, religion—especially the teachings contained in the Holy Bible—emphasizes the spiritual call to care for creation. As an important institution in society, the Church's goals must include environmental management. The Church can inspire its members to apply ecological ideals to everyday life by upholding this duty. The Church can play a leading role in nature protection by taking concrete steps and educating the public about the value of ecology in a faith-filled life. Given the urgent need to overcome current environmental problems, harmony between philosophy, religion and ecology not only deepens
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