Nubuatan Yehezkiel Tentang Kebangkitan Israel Dalam Perspektif Kristen Berdasarkan Yehezkiel 37:1-14


  • Periman Jaya Lahagu Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar (Setia) Jakarta
  • Sandra Rosiana Tapilaha Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar (Setia) Jakarta



Prophecy, Ezekiel, Resurrection, Israel, Perspective, Christianity


The vision of passing from death to life is a glorious awakening. It is something that nature completely ignores, totally contrary to how it works (une privatione ad habitum non datur regressus-no way without ownership). Interestingly, the book of Ezekiel shows an unusual hope. In a valley full of human bones, God asked, "Can these bones rise again?" " Impossible! However, Ezekiel knows that nothing is impossible in God's hands. This paper uses qualitative research methods with a literary approach to present problems as well as analyze and collect data. With this in mind, the writer wants to discuss a number of things related to the text of Ezekiel 37 :1-14 itself. The main problem being considered is how to interpret the passage Ezekiel. 37:1-14. The conclusion is that through the text of Ezekiel 37:1-14, God actually wants to convey promises and messages of hope through Ezekiel. Text it mentions that Ezekiel saw a vision of dry bones in the valley, which was interpreted as a promise to save the Israelites.


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How to Cite

Periman Jaya Lahagu, & Sandra Rosiana Tapilaha. (2023). Nubuatan Yehezkiel Tentang Kebangkitan Israel Dalam Perspektif Kristen Berdasarkan Yehezkiel 37:1-14. Sinar Kasih: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Dan Filsafat, 1(2), 01–10.