Pengaruh Toxic Parent Terhadap Perkembangan Karakter Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Tarutung Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Tahun Pembelajaran 2022/2023
Toxic Parent, Student Character Development, 2022/2023 Academic YearAbstract
The aim of this research is to determine the positive and significant influence of toxic parents on the character development of class VIII students at SMP Negeri 3 Tarutung T.A 2023/2024. The research method used is a quantitative method with descriptive statistics. The population is all 169 students in class VIII of SMP N 3 Tarutung, North Tapanuli Regency for the 2023/2024 academic year who are Protestant Christians and a sample of 32 people was determined using a purposive sampling technique. Data was collected using a positive closed questionnaire with 30 items, namely 15 items for variable ) Test analysis requirements: a) positive relationship test obtained rxy = 0.613 > rtable(=0.05,n=32) = 0.349. b) Testing a significant relationship obtained a value of tcount= 4.245 > ttable(=0.05, dk=n-2=30)= 2.042. 2) Test the effect: a) Test the regression equation, obtained the regression equation Y ̂="21.45"+0.56X. b) Regression coefficient of determination test (r2) = 37.5%. 3) Test the hypothesis using the F test to obtain Fcount > Ftable=(=0.05, dk numerator k=17, dk denominator=n-2=32-2=30) namely 17.99 > 1.62. Thus Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected.
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